
Normale Version: I need Tilapia Please
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Whats Up Aquaponik Deutschland!

I am shopping for Tilapia adult or Larva. I will need about 50 fish but I will take any I can get even 10.

I have a 1000L Fishtank indoor Aquaponics system & I'm building a larger system over the winter. I now have goldfish & Yabbies in the system that has been cycling for one complete Year.

Water Temp 26C
PH 7.1
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 2
Water Hardness 850
Room Humidity 40% at 21C

I''m ready for my Tilapia :)
Located near Kaiserslautern, I can drive up to 5 hours away.
If anyone can help that would be great.

Ich kann Deutsch SPRECHEN aber Ich kann nicht schrieben.

AquaViz :)

Ca. 3h von dir aus.
TY so much for information.

I will let you guys know how it goes :)
