13.11.2013, 15:14
Zitat:The maximum amount of fish you should keep in standard backyard or hobby aquaponic systems is approximately 25 kg/m3 (fish culture densities above 10kg/m3
will require aeration). This is because if fish are kept above this density, high flow rates are required. Because most backyard and hobby aquaponicists are principally interested in the plants, limited fish numbers are not usually a problem. For backyard or hobby scale aquaponic systems I recommend a density of fish between 6 and 17 kg/m3. The model will work at fish culture densities above 17 kg/m3, but you will notice that at above the 17 kg/m3 density the surface area required for solids mineralisation goes higher than the surface area for the plants. This is OK so long as you use the higher output for your grow bed sizing.
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